Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. My sister-in-law does a "Ten on Tuesdays" post every Tuesday about ten random thoughts, ideas, or experiences she doesn't want to forget. It has been FOREVER since I have last blogged! I have decided to adopt this tradition to get back into the swing of things.

2. I LOVE Accountable kids!! In the fall I was having major issues with Jacob. I felt like we had a routine that was clear and achievable and didn't understand why my nine year old was throwing tantrums like a two year old. After I came across the Accountable Kids program from internet searching, Steven and I agreed to purchased the program for Jacob and Michael. Because I was so desperate I made up my own cards for the boy's morning, afternoon and evening chores and started the program before it even came in the mail. Basically you have three sets of cards you flip over throughout the day; morning, afternoon and evening. If you complete each set of chores by a certain time you earn a "ticket". A ticket in our home is used for things like watching 1/2 hour show or computer time or riding bikes (mainly stuff the boys would do all day long if they had the chance). If you earn the three tickets that day, you receive a sticker on your special date card. When you get ten stickers  on you special date card you get to go on a one on one date with a parent.  I had to laugh at the resistance I got from Jacob. He told me he just wanted to have fun and do what he wanted to do. WHAT!?! No wonder  we were struggling so much. Our expectations were so extremely different! It has been about four months since we first started accountable kids. I realized last night that Jacob isn't throwing tantrums! I had forgotten that he had behaved that way. We have been able to move on to other aspects of the program; earning money by doing extra chores, and using the helping hands card and privilege pass card. This morning before I even came out of the bathroom the boys had all the morning chores done and did their helping hands in the process. Jacob said, "Michael did the kitty litter for me and I made his bed, cleaned our room and put his toothpaste on his toothbrush for him." Accountable Kids has by no means made our lives perfect, but HOLY COW it has made quite a positive impact!

3. I am now teaching the 8 year olds at church and so far so good awesome. We are studying the New Testament this year. The kids almost all have the 8th article of faith memorized and we are also working on memorizing the books of the New Testament. I've been getting ideas on how to present the lesson from Sugardoodle and have been really pleased with our class time. The first Sunday Steven brought Rachel to me during sharing time, I think that is when I became a favorite teacher. I am okay with that:)

4. I used my Sunday's lesson for Family Home Evening last night and plan on dividing it up for the next two FHE nights. I taped nine pictures up on the fireplace and had nine different scripture accounts of people who bore witness of Jesus Christ. First, we would look up a scripture and then match it to it's picture. Then we would have the kids answer the questions that were on the back of the picture. Last night we learned about Simeon, Anna and the Wisemen.

5. I created art for Sarah and Rachel's room  and hung them on the wall tonight. I am happy with how it turned out. I used scrapbook paper and an exacto knife. I have a long way to go before I take pictures of the rest of their room, let alone move both of them into their room. Sarah is not even sleeping in there. She doesn't really have a room. I took her out of the boys room (she's shared with them her whole life) and put her toddler bed in the guest room. Rachel has graduated from our room to up stairs, but is not consistently sleeping through the night. Someday it will all come together, hopefully someday soon.

6. My parents bought a new van and told us, "anyone who wants their van to make an offer." Our van has so many expensive issues that are not worth fixing. It is too old to be putting that kind of money into it. Each year we cross our fingers come inspection time. The timing is just right. Steven has a work meeting in Tacoma Washington this month. We decided I'd fly up with Rachel to Spokane Valley and visit with my parents in their home. We'll buy their van and drive home. They have taken care of it and it will be a good replacement.

7. I told Amber (sis-in-law) she should come down from Canada and meet us in Montana or even Utah. Well, she has decided to meet us in Utah and Caravan down to Houston and stay for a week and a half! Our kids are all close in age and I love seeing them play together, especially Katie and Michael. Too bad they are cousins, because they say they are going to marry each other.

8. It may be considered slow going, but I'm homeschooling and do not have to follow the "no child left behind" mentality. I have really enjoyed teaching Michael. I've taken things at his pace and have been patient with that pace. It is so fun. He enjoys doing school and comes to me saying, "I'm ready to do school, mom." He is just beginning to sound out words and I am SO proud of him.

9. I have started playing volleyball on Thursday nights with a group of women. We play from 9-11p. I am LOVING this "me" time. Another bonus is that it is getting me active again. This past summer I exercised four times a week and met a huge goal of competing in what was called Summer of the Seals. We swam 500 meters, max sit up in two min, max push ups in two min, max pull ups, and mile and a half run. I was eating healthy and lost 20 lbs. Since then I have had lots of yummy dessert and have completely stopped exercising. Aaaah!

10. I have joined a blog group titled Show Tell Share. Basically, it is a blogging show and tell ;) We have some challenges and drawings to win prizes. The invitation is open and you do not have to know anyone to participate. It is just a fun way of sharing, learning and getting ideas from each other.


Creed Family said...

Yay! That was great. We're excited to see you guys soon!

Niki Carter said...

So good to hear an update. I have been thinkin about you a lot lately. I have been wanting to call but like now, Claire is screaming and it is hard to find a good time. Love the update and the ARTWORK!! Wow! I'm impressed!